Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Winter Travels 2019--Part 18: Picacho Peak State Park

Feb. 8—11: I stayed in bed a little extra on Friday and Marv did most of the work to break camp. I made some tea and had a clementine and finally felt well enough to help finish up. As we left Gilbert Ray we drove past Saguaro National Park—West and stopped long enough to look at their exhibits, watch their video on the Native Tohono O’odham people and their relationship with the sacred Saguaros, and take a short interpretive hike with a Naturalist. Our next stay is at Picacho (pronounced like Picasso but with a ch on the third syllable) Peak State Park, about 40 minutes north of Tucson. Their brochure lists the Mexican poppies that bloom there as a seasonal “Point of Interest”, and we were thrilled to see them blooming in profusion as we drove to our campsite, along with Lupine. Our first site was a pull-through which made it really easy to get set-up. We ate lunch and then read in the sunshine but it only got to about 61°. My stomach was still aching but otherwise I felt much better. We rode our bikes around the three camping loops and drove to Sunset point to—obviously—watch the sun set, before grilling salmon for dinner. 
I thought you might be interested in how our trailer looks inside.
All day long the bed is raised and we have a couch
and lots of living space to enjoy.

At night, we fold the couch flat, and then lower the already made,
short-queen size bed to sleep. First thing in the morning, we make
the bed and fold it back up against the wall. Very handy!!

This was our first campsite at Picacho Peak, on the outside of the loop.

Marv got a good picture of the sliver of moon after the sun went down.

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