Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunrise over Lake Huron

Thu. Sept. 22: There were a few long clouds all around at 7:00 Thursday morning but nothing to interfere as the sun slowly came up from the water. Those clouds became rosy and pink and then lined with gold all around the edges. Then quick as a flash the sun popped up and blazed across the water. It was a very satisfying sunrise, indeed, and well worth rising early to see. Interestingly, as we waited, I saw a black blob on the sand a little way off from where we were. I went over to check it out and was surprised to see it was OUR binoculars, which Marv had unknowingly dropped the evening before. They were safe in their cloth case; however, something had chewed the strap into about four pieces and nibbled at the case itself. Judging from the footprints in the sand around it, I guess it was a fox. Happily, the binoculars seem to be alright. The higher the sun rose, the more the clouds rolled in until the sun disappeared into them and we returned to the camper for ham and eggs and more coffee. After doing dishes we cleaned up the camper and readied it to take down. The end was a bit rushed as we heard a few raindrops pinging on the roof. But they stopped as we finished and got on the road. (See the next posting for the rest of the day...)

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