Tue. June 21: This was another cloudy, breezy day that threatened rain; cooler but with only a bit of drizzle. The same three groups went with one of the same Project Managers (Marissa) to continue a different skirting job with a different Construction Manager (Dave). The big van got stuck in the mud going down the wrong driveway but a man came out of the trailer and masterfully backed it up and got it out. Dave told us to forget everything about how Matt does skirting and do it his way. He proceeded to give us much more instruction and we got more done. Four kids came out and spent the rest of the day with us, playing with volunteers and sharing our lunch. We only stopped skirting when we ran out of fiberglass insulation batting. We began making a deck for the same trailer and then made the nearly one hour drive back to Re-Member. We ate spaghetti for dinner and then had my favorite speaker thus far. Larry Swallow/Cetan Tanka Tokahe Kin Ye/Hawk Who Flies First used song, words, drum, and projected slides to tell The Lakota Creation Story. He is a gifted and mesmerizing story teller and I enjoyed it immensely! Marv & I bought a copy of his DVD where he does his presentation in his Ceremonial Regalia. After practicing the song and getting our Prayer Partner gifts we tried to do a better job of getting lights out on time at Kiksuya.
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