Exiting the Aransas Channel Ferry |
January 26-28: (Saturday) My lips are salty, my hair
is a wild curly ‘fro around my head, and I can hear the waves crashing through
the window behind me in the camper. We are camping at Mustang Island State Park
just over a dune from the Gulf of Mexico, and 10 miles north of Padre Island
National Seashore. The island was named for the wild horses that once roamed the island in abundance, but had disappeared by the mid-1800s. We visited this area in 2010 but made a day trip of it, when
it was sunny and 60°. Today it was close to 80° and sunny and windy. We had
closed the camper and driven straight through from Houston, stopping only to
eat our picnic lunch at a rest area along Highway 59. The GPS took us across
the strait on the Aransas Ferry, which we had both forgotten we did in 2010,
too. Since we made a reservation this morning we knew we would have a campsite
in the mostly full, small campground. It has no trees and is just a very wide,
paved lot with close packed campsites up each side but at least there is no one
behind us and it is far from the road. Best of all, it is a short bike ride on
the road through the dune and to the hard-packed beach where primitive
campsites can be accessed by driving on the beach. We did a cursory set-up,
during which our next door neighbor (from Missouri) came over to check out the
camper. He has a big trailer and is looking at downsizing a bit. After that we
rode our bikes over to ride a couple of miles on the sand and walked for a bit,
too. We saw several large cannonball jellyfish and a 5 inch puffer fish and
many small shells. When we returned to the campsite we found three nice shells
on the steps of the camper. Soon the campground host, Jared, came to
introduce himself and give us two more shells (he had left the others) and some
literature about the area. After making
Dirty Rice and a salad for dinner and getting the first sunset picture of the
trip, we played a round of dominoes (I lost miserably) and then rode back to
the beach to walk under the full moon on the sand some more. As far as we could
tell we were the only ones on the well lit beach. It was beautiful.
Peggy on the beach |
The view from Marv's handlbars |
Marv on the beach |
Sunset over Mustang Island |
Full moon over Mustang Island |
(Sunday) It was a lovely, lazy Sunday
morning of scrambled eggs and reading the LSJ from beginning to end while we
sat in the sunshine and drank our coffee. There was a pretty stiff breeze so the
high sixties didn’t feel as warm as it might have but it was pleasant none the
less. We made a picnic lunch and drove the 12 miles to Padre Island National
Seashore, thinking we could sit on the beach there and listen to the MSU/Indiana
basketball game at noon. However, as we drove through the park we lost the
signal. A stop at the Visitors Center found things much like they were three
years ago when we visited. We reviewed what we had learned about the efforts to
help the highly endangered Kemps Ridley Sea Turtles and then headed back towards
the gate. But we turned into the drive to the Bird Island Basin on the leeward
side of the island and found there a sail boarding Mecca with a few campsites,
some picnic tables, several parked cars, and 6 or 7 people out enjoying the smooth
water and stiff breeze. We ate our picnic on a table there and watched the
entertainment and enjoyed the sun when it popped out of the clouds. After a
while we decided to head back to the campsite and listened to the rest of the
game on the way back. Sadly, MSU couldn’t prevail against the Hoosiers at home.
L There was more sun and the temperatures had
warmed into the seventies so we rode our bikes back to the beach and in the
opposite direction than we had taken yesterday until we were stopped by the
fish jetties. From there we locked up the bikes and walked up the beach and
back for half an hour, watching the waves crash in and squadrons of pelicans
flying overhead. As the afternoon waned we returned to our campsite and sat in
the sun, protected from the increasing wind by the camper, to read until
dinnertime. We had bean soup that we had brought from home, talked to Marv's mom for a long time on the phone, and got things ready
for a quick getaway tomorrow so we can begin crossing the rest of Texas to the
west and get to Arizona.
Watching the sail boarders |
Sail boarding on Bird Island Basin |
Waves on the fish jetty |
A squadron of pelicans |
Mustang Island State Park beach from a fish jetty |